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Vision - Special Edition: Dr. the Hon Linford A. Pierson, OBE, JP, PhD, FCCA

By Vision3e | Published on Nov/05/2015

Vision - Special Edition: Dr. the Hon Linford A. Pierson, OBE, JP, PhD, FCCA 
Uploaded on 4 Nov 2015

"If something is worth doing then its worth doing it right". Thats the Mantra of a man who would go on to become the Cayman Islands first accountant and who would later become an MLA for the district of George Town, then rising to the heights of Deputy Leader of Government Business and on to Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, that gentleman is Dr. The Honorable Linford Pierson.

Even in his retirement he sets an example for us all by showing that age is no obstacle to pursuing and achieving a masters and a doctorates degree is 100 percent do-able.

This Caymanian Icon's journey to the top has been a long and ambitious one. Dr. Pierson shares his story with Mr. Ellio Solomon of Vision.

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