Vision - Oral George Roper 'founder of SOY' shares his experience of 23 years in Prison.
Uploaded on Jul 22, 2015
Oral George Roper as a young man 22 years of age was charged with a crime which resulted in a life sentence at HMS Northward Prison.
Today Mr. Roper shares his journey with Host Mr. Ellio Solomon of Vision; from a 22yr old boy faced with life in Prison to the 45yr old man with a new chance at life on the outside for the first time in 23years. Mr. Roper, Founder of SOY (Save Our Youth) Foundation, has been attempting for years to encourage young children to stay on the right path in life, to do the things that are very important for them and for their future.
Oral G. Roper, a man who took a seemingly hopeless situation and made a triumph, from "Serving 'Life' to Saving Lives".
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