Vision- Denise Warren 'Surviving Domestic Abuse.'
Uploaded on Feb 23, 2016
'Surviving Domestic Abuse' - we hear all too often of person being involved in domestic abuse, sometimes we hear of the tragic circumstance wherein persons loose their lives resulting in death or grievies bodily harm being expereinced from such incidents.
While it is easy to turn a blind eye and walk away when we see these occuring, it never (the-less) puts a stop and the terror continues. Then one day it shows up on our door step, and we think to ourselves, how did this happen to me?
Hear a story told first hand of a woman who has experienced just that and the fight she has had to survive that experience and the scares it leaves both phycally and mentally on a person.
Expereicne the fear first hand from Denise Warren who contacted Vision because she wanted to share her strory with the Caymanian cimmunity and the world. And maybe just maybe she could help someone else to walk away, to survivie, to not get invovled by seeing the early warning signs of a troubled person and maybe just maybe save yourself and them in the process, by getting the help needed from the experts we have locally in our community.
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