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Soursop Health Benefits. Cancer fighter

By nerissa irving | Published on Mar/10/2015

Soursop Health Benefits. Cancer fighter

Published on Jul 24, 2014

Health Benefits of Soursop

- The seeds, which have emetic properties, can be used in the treatment of vomiting.
- The leaf decoction is effective for head lice and bedbugs.
- The crushed fresh leaves can be applied on skin eruptions to promote healing.
- The juice of the fruit can be taken orally as a remedy for urethritis, haematuria and liver ailments.
- The juice when taken when fasting, it is believed to relieve liver ailments and leprosy.
- To speed the healing of wounds, the flesh of the soursop is applied as a poultice unchanged for 3 days.
- A decoction of the young shoots or leaves is regarded as a remedy for gall bladder trouble, as well as coughs, catarrh, diarrhea, dysentery, fever and indigestion.
- Mashed leaves are used as a poultice to alleviate eczema and other skin problems and rheumatism.
- The root bark is use as an antidote for poisoning.
- Soursop flowers are believed to alleviate catarrh.
- Decoction of leaves used as compresses for inflammation and swollen feet.

Laboratory research supports the potential benefits of soursop as a remedy for disease. In one study, published in "Journal of Ethnopharmacology," an extract of soursop inhibited the growth of Herpes virus in the laboratory. In addition, the Cancer Center summarizes findings that suggest soursop extracts might slow growth of cancer cells or make them more susceptible to anti-cancer drugs. For example, in one study published in 1997 in "Journal of Medicinal Chemistry," compounds from soursop were tested on breast cancer cells in culture and found to be up to 250 times more effective in killing the cells than some chemotherapy drugs. These laboratory studies with soursop are promising, but research with human subjects is needed to confirm its potential usefulness.


One alternative treatment of cancer that has been used in the past, especially in countries where it grows well, is Soursop. A flowering evergreen tree native to tropical regions, this fruit is said to kill cancer more effectively than chemotherapy drugs and does not produce the same undesirable side effects, but may not be fully clear of any adverse effects.

The active ingredient in Soursop that is proving to be effective is called Annona muricata or Graviola. Currently it exists on the market under the brand name of Triamazon but licensing of the product is not generally accepted in all countries due to the potential profit loss for pharmaceutical companies. Graviola is not just a cancer treatment, it has also displayed anti-parasitic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic and cytotoxic properties, according to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. In some cases, Graviola has also been used as a pain killer and the results were positive.

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