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Cayman Islands Government New Cabinet

By Cayman Islands GOVTV | Published on Jan/23/2015

Newly Formed Cayman Islands Government announcement of  Premier, Ministers and Chief Officers and their prospective Portfolios/ Ministries and councilors:
Published on Jun 4, 2013 (1.2/367)

Premier - Hon Alden McLaughlin, Minister responsible for Home and Community Affairs
Chief Officer - Eric Bush for Home Affairs
Chief Officer - Doreen Whittaker for Home and Community Affairs
MLA/ councillor for Computer Services/E-Government - Alva Sackoo 

Deputy Premier - Hon. Moses Kirkconnell
Minister responsible for District Administration, Tourism and Transport
Chief Officer - Stran Bodden
MLA/Councillor for aspects of Tourism - Joey Hew 

Hon. Marco Archer - Minister responsible for Finance and Economic Development
Chief Officer - Mrs. Sonia McLaughlin

Hon. Wayne Panton - Minister responsible for Financial Services, Commerce and Environment
Chief Officer - Dr. Dax Basdeo

Hon. Osbourne Bodden - Minister responsible for Health, Sports, Youth and Culture
Chief Officer - Jennifer Ahearn

Hon. D. Kurt Tibbetts - Minister responsible for Planning, Land, Agriculture, Housing and Infrastructure
Chief Officer - Alan Jones

Hon. Tara Rivers - Minister responsible for Education, Employment & Gender Affairs
Chief Officer - Mary Rodriquez
MLA/Councillor - Winston Conolly



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