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Old Cayman - Times We Won't Forget Pt.1

By Caymanitegem | Published on Nov/12/2014

Old Cayman - Times We Won't Forget Pt.1.wmv

This is part 1 of a series being produced to preserve what's Cayman. Due to the size, the work involved and required to make this successful, Part 2 was released first. 
Now for the long awaited Old Cayman - Times We Won't Forget, Ever Pt.1.
A collection of old Cayman Islands pictures from the private collection of L.A. Gould the editor, producer and creator of this must see, life in the past production which, while in the making was certainly a humbling and eye opening experience for me, that made me appreciate even more - where we are coming from, it took me back to my childhood and many wonderful memories, and I'm left totally missing those days. This is depicting our people, our culture, way of life, the seafarer, fishing, boat building, boating, the days of turtling and rope making in Cayman Islands. Credit is given also to the Nor'wester Magazine, Bob Croft, Britta Bramick, the Cayman Islands National Archives and anyone who sent me pictures used in this home-made piece in the name of passion with the hopes of preserving our humble beginnings. Enjoy!

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