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54 of 173 listings

Jamaica (1958)

By British Pathe | Published on Aug/23/2015

Jamaica (1958)

Published on Apr 13, 2014

Jamaica, Caribbean Sea.

M/S beach with palm trees and idyllic blue sky. A local man is whittling wood out of a tree trunk to make a canoe. He looks up at a jet passing overhead. The tourists are coming. At the airport, we see a BOAC/BIWA jet , a Viscount, taxiing on the runway. A batman, with orange bats, signals the plane in and makes the sign to say cut engine, by pulling the bat across his throat as if cut. Tourists come down the steps. The commentary mentions a twice weekly Stratocruiser service from London.

Cutaway shot to the beach and beautiful flowering bushes. On a river a man uses a pole to push along a raft. Two tourists sit on a bench at the back. They pass by local girls swimming. Next, back at the beach, a group prepare to go snorkelling. The commentary mentions a glass bottomed boat. There are underwater shots, with a diver with snorkel, playing with small fish. He brings a sea fern to the surface. Starfish are already on the boat bench. The item closes with a shot of the beach and tourists relaxing with drinks under the palm trees.

Note: There are some brochures in the documentation file.

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