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International Road Assessment Programme

By Cayman Islands GOVTV | Published on Jan/25/2015

International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) Launch, Jan 16 2014 

Published on Jan 16, 2014 (1-118)

The Cayman Islands recorded nine (9) road traffic deaths in 2011, equivalent to approximately 16.5 traffic deaths per 100,000 inhabitants and almost double the WHO's 2013 figure of 8.7 traffic deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in High Income countries. Between 2007 and 2011, an average of over 1,400 accidents were recorded on Cayman Island roads per year, resulting in 40 deaths and 113 serious injuries. These incidents translate into lost productivity, medical expenses and grief. New road construction or rehabilitation projects in the Cayman Islands incorporate road safety feature into their design, however there remains a myriad of associated difficulties related to road infrastructure, institutional capacity, inadequate equipment, vehicle quality and driver behavior."

This is where iRAP (International Road Assessment Programme), the next generation of road assessment, has an important role to play. iRap has identified cost effective and often simple infrastructure improvements that can typically prevent one in four deaths on rural and urban roads. Our plan targets roads where pedestrians, motorcyclists, car occupants and bicyclists are killed and injured with brutal regularity. The plans identify proven road safety measures that can prevent millions of deaths and save billions of dollars around the world.

Featured are:

Hon. D. Kurt Tibbetts - Government Minister for Planning, Land, Agriculture, Housing and Infrastructure.

Julio Urzua - Regional Director of Latin America and the Caribbean for iRAP (international Road Assessment Programme) a non-profit organization  

Morgan Fletcher - engineer for iRAP

Edward Howard - Acting Managing Director for NRA (National Roads Authority Cayman Islands)

Marion Pandohie - Transportation Planner for the National Roads Authority.



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