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Heart Talk with Tara Nielsen 'Acts of Random Kindness'

By Vision3e | Published on May/12/2016

Heart Talk with Tara Nielsen 'Acts of Random Kindness' 
Uploaded on May 12, 2016

Tara Nielsen is a woman among many; and some would say no different, so what makes her stand out?

Ten years ago Tara's burning desire to travel the world and help people in need ended when she found herself a mother of three small boys who needed her more, so Tara sacrificed her dreams and set them aside to care for her young family, however God was not finished with her journey yet! During lunch with friends she had an idea which matched the still burning desire in her Heart, so she reached out to a friend and together they contacted the women in their group which ignited a fire so big, it propelled them to act upon it.

Today, ten years in the making, that same group of mothers are changing the lives of hundreds of persons in the Caymanian community all because one woman acted. Tara Nielsen is a living example of ("pay it forward" and "do good because good must be done") what one person can achieve when Hope, Faith and Love are combined. She is truly a blessing to the Cayman Islands and a inspiration to us all, to getup and act.

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