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From Rags to Riches: The Cayman Islands Revolution

By Learn Liberty | Published on Nov/19/2014

From Rags to Riches: The Cayman Islands Revolution | Learn Liberty

The rule of law, Hayek wrote, is "a rule concerning what the law ought to be": It ought to be general and abstract; equally applied, with legal privileges for none; certain, not subject to arbitrary changes; and just. In this Learn Liberty Academy, Andrew Morriss sets sail to show how the law of the Cayman Islands conforms with Hayek's ideals, how it got that way through astute political entrepreneurship, and how the world at large benefits from its legal wisdom. The benefits of Caymanian rule of law are so diffuse and far-reaching that we can even attribute the American poor's high consumption of healthcare to it. Embark on Morriss's expedition — read, watch lectures, and discuss!

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The song "Coconut Water" courtesy of Dan O'Connor:

Archival images courtesy of the Cayman Islands National Archive:http://www.gov.ky/portal/page_pageid=...

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