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EUphoria - What is the European Union?

By Critical Productions | Published on Jul/01/2016

EUphoria - What is the European Union?

Published on Mar 6, 2014

What is the European Union? Where did it come from? Where is it heading?

The European Union is a project without a blueprint. 

Skipping briefly over the last hundred years until the present, EUphoria looks at the developments that formed the European Union we know today and highlights some of the key arguments for, against and in-between current EU integration. We present the important meetings and treaties that brought the European Union into existence and how it functions today. 

EUphoria features interviews with professors, politicians and citizens ranging from 'EU federalists' to 'Eurosceptics'.

This documentary is an educational look at the history of Europe and the creation of the European Union. With the thoughts and opinions of thinkers concerned with the safe and appropriate management of our political and economic future, EUphoria also features our own interviews with MEPs Bas Eickhout, Daniel Hannan and Nigel Farage and many other concerned professionals.

EUphoria looks at the evolution of European integration that has been accelerating since World War II. This documentary traces the political and economic steps taken towards the forming of the European Union we know today. 

Featuring talks with professionals concerned with the European Union and European integration, EUphoria also attempts to bring together viewpoints from a range of perspectives.

Most interviews taken before 2014.

Subtitles available.

Critical Production 2014

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