Derrymore Lyon - Claims Manager of Cayman First Insurance educates on the following:
June 2nd, 2015
1. What is the process to make a claim?
2. What actions should the policyholder make to ensure success.
3. In the event of damage what should a person do.
4. Reasons why a Company would need liability Insurance.
5. What is required of a person making a claim.
6. What is workman's Compensation.
7. What does medical insurance and workman's compensation cover?
8. What is First response and purpose for using it?
9. What are some of the implications if a person is under-insured and want to make a claim?
10. Can a person under-insured their property and what is the process?
11. Do Insurance Companies encourage under-insurance?
12. Can a person with a mortgage under-insure?
13. The New Location of Cayman First Insurance.
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